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Re: make/framework.make patch

From: Mirko Viviani
Subject: Re: make/framework.make patch
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 22:39:06 +0200

On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, Adam Fedor  wrote:

> >>(1) for objc frameworks, do .a files need to be
> >>created/installed as well as .dlls? (as for the main gnustep
> >>libraries which have both).
> >
> > I think that there is no need for them.
> You do need both. The .a files are for linking, the .dll's are for running.

Ok, I didn't remember correctly.

> >>(2) should we be striving to keep the dlls inside the
> >>framework folders, or is this a lost cause on Windows, when
> >>the dlls have to be in the PATH?
> >
> > As on non-win system you can put the dlls in */Library/Libraries
> > and these paths should go in PATH.
> .a files should go in ../Libraries/{target_dir}
> .dll files should fo in ../Tools/{target_dir}
> since PATH already includes the Tools/... dirs.

I don't know it Tools/ dir exists for GNUSTEP_USER, but if you want
to stay close with the unix version it should go to Library/Libraries.
But it isn't a techical problem...

> Although the .a files could just stay in the framework dir, as long as
> link commands are set up correctly.

You can't put the .a files in the framework dir else you end up with a too
long link command line.

It is so on NS because it is handled by the compiler/linker.

     Mirko  <mirko.viviani@rccr.cremona.it>   (NeXTmail, MIME)

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