2001-12-21 Christian Gillot * Headers/gnustep/xgps/XGContextWindow.h: Add an input context to the gswindow_device_t structure * Source/GNUmakefile: Add the xim.c * Source/GNUmakefile.preamble: Add a -DUSE_XIM in order to compile with XIM support, to be adapted to the GNUstep model * Source/SharedX/XGContextEvent.m: Change the key event processing to support XIM. In process_key_event, move the char and keycode processing to the very beginning in order to cope with XIM, because in XIM you may or may not have a keycode. * Source/SharedX/XGContextWindow.m: Create and close an input context for the window if XIM was initialized * Source/SharedX/xim.c: Very first and basic xim implementation * Source/SharedX/xim.h: Very first and basic xim implementation * Source/XGContext.m: After the display connection made, do the XIM initialization and cleanup just before closing the display