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[Bug #3366] Misceilaneous Preference in ProjectCenter won't save unless

From: nobody
Subject: [Bug #3366] Misceilaneous Preference in ProjectCenter won't save unless "ENTER" is hit
Date: Thu, 01 May 2003 09:53:04 -0400

=================== BUG #3366: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: Serg Stoyan <stoyan@on.com.ua>
Date: Thu 05/01/2003 at 16:53 (Europe/Kiev)

            What     | Removed                   | Added
              Status | Open                      | Closed

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
Fixed in CVS.

=================== BUG #3366: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: yjchen                  Project: GNUstep                      
Submitted on: Mon 04/28/2003 at 19:42
Category:  Application                Severity:  5 - Major                  
Bug Group:  Bug                       Resolution:  None                     
Assigned to:  None                    Status:  Closed                       

Summary:  Misceilaneous Preference in ProjectCenter won't save unless "ENTER" 
is hit

Original Submission:  1. openapp ProjectCenter
2. Info->Prefences
3. Choose "Miscellaneous".
4. Change text in "Editor" without hitting "ENTER" key.
5. Close preferences and Info->Preferences again.
6. The value in "Editor" is not changed at all.

This applies to "Saving", but not "Building" preference.

Follow-up Comments

Date: Thu 05/01/2003 at 16:53       By: stoyan
Fixed in CVS.

Date: Wed 04/30/2003 at 23:07       By: yjchen
If it is a feature, the "Building" in Preferences has a bug
because it store the value without "ENTER" pressed. :)
Anyway, just the inconsistence make me think it is a bug.
One of them should be fixed.

By the way, I thought a button "Revert to Saved" is the standard way on NeXT.
Never use one before. :)

Date: Wed 04/30/2003 at 22:56       By: stoyan
Since this is a common behaviour in NeXT UI this is not a bug but feature. 
Imagine, you change some text field text and then want to return to old setting 
before "ENTER" key pressed. What do you have to do? With current style you just 
close panel and open again.

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