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[Bug #3437] NSApplication does not provide full notification user info o

From: nobody
Subject: [Bug #3437] NSApplication does not provide full notification user info on launch
Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 11:27:15 -0400

=================== BUG #3437: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: Stefan Urbanek <urbanek@host.sk>
Date: Sun 05/11/03 at 17:27 (Europe/Bratislava)

            What     | Removed                   | Added
          Resolution | Fixed                     | Remind

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
Yes, it is documented in apple's documentation of NSWorkspace in the section 

The following describes keys for an NSDictionary containing information about 
an application. This dictionary is returned by activeApplication and 
launchedApplications, and is also provided in the userInfo of NSWorkspace 
notifications for application launch and termination:

Key Value 
- "NSApplicationPath" 
  The full path to the application, as a string. 

- "NSApplicationName" 
  The application's name, as a string. 

- "NSApplicationProcessIdentifier" 
  The application's process id, as an NSNumber. 

- "NSApplicationProcessSerialNumberHigh" 
  The high long of the process serial number (PSN), as an NSNumber. 

- "NSApplicationProcessSerialNumberLow" 
  The low long of the process serial number (PSN), as an NSNumber.

I am going to set this bug back to not fixed, because I consider my patch a 
temporary hack, that 'just works'.

=================== BUG #3437: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: stefanu                 Project: GNUstep                      
Submitted on: Sat 05/03/03 at 01:06
Category:  None                       Severity:  5 - Major                  
Bug Group:  None                      Resolution:  Remind                   
Assigned to:  None                    Status:  Closed                       

Summary:  NSApplication does not provide full notification user info on launch

Original Submission:  NSApplication does not provide all keys for user info 
dictionary of NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification. Attached is a patch 
that partially fixes this problem by including NSApplicationPath and 

NSApplicationProcessSerialNumber* are not implemented (i do not know how to get 
those numbers).

Follow-up Comments

Date: Sun 05/11/03 at 17:27         By: stefanu
Yes, it is documented in apple's documentation of NSWorkspace in the section 

The following describes keys for an NSDictionary containing information about 
an application. This dictionary is returned by activeApplication and 
launchedApplications, and is also provided in the userInfo of NSWorkspace 
notifications for application launch and termination:

Key Value 
- "NSApplicationPath" 
  The full path to the application, as a string. 

- "NSApplicationName" 
  The application's name, as a string. 

- "NSApplicationProcessIdentifier" 
  The application's process id, as an NSNumber. 

- "NSApplicationProcessSerialNumberHigh" 
  The high long of the process serial number (PSN), as an NSNumber. 

- "NSApplicationProcessSerialNumberLow" 
  The low long of the process serial number (PSN), as an NSNumber.

I am going to set this bug back to not fixed, because I consider my patch a 
temporary hack, that 'just works'.

Date: Sun 05/11/03 at 16:49         By: CaS
Added this fix ...
Is the user info documented anywhere???

CC list is empty

File Attachments

Date: Sat 05/03/03 at 01:06  Name: NSApplication.patch  Size: 1KB   By: stefanu


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