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[bug #4711] Problem handling/formating long long numbers

From: nobody
Subject: [bug #4711] Problem handling/formating long long numbers
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 06:55:25 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686) Gecko/20030428 Galeon/1.3.3

=================== BUG #4711: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: Manuel Guesdon <mguesdon@orange-concept.com>
Date: sam 23.08.2003 à 12:55 (Europe/Paris)

            What     | Removed                   | Added
            Severity | 7                         | 5 - Major
           Bug Group | None                      | Bug

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
I investigated deeper and found that the problem seems to be not in GSFormat.
configure doesn't define HANDLE_LONG_LONG_MAX because LLONG_MAX is not defined.
LLONG_MAX is defined in limits.h if some compilation directives are defined. 
And in my case, it is not defined.
By using export CPPSFLAGS=gnu99 or CPPSFLAGS=c99, LLONG_MAX is defined so 
HANDLE_LONG_LONG_MAX is defined but now core/base no more compile (Protol 
definition conflict between NSObject.h and 

Any idea ?

=================== BUG #4711: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Soumis par: mguesdon                  Projet: GNUstep                       
Signalé le: lun 11.08.2003 à 20:02
Category:  Base/Foundation            Severity:  5 - Major                  
Bug Group:  Bug                       Resolution:  None                     
Assigned to:  None                    Status:  Open                         

Summary:  Problem handling/formating long long numbers

Original Submission:  Jus try this:

NSNumber* testNumber=[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:3372036854775807LL];

        ==> -2098855937              (Bad)
NSDebugMLog(@"[testNumber longLongValue]=%lld",[testNumber
        ==> -2098855937              (Bad)

fprintf(stdour,"[value longLongValue]=%lldn",[value longLongValue]);
        ==> 3372036854775807         (Good)

Follow-up Comments

Date: sam 23.08.2003 à 12:55        By: mguesdon
I investigated deeper and found that the problem seems to be not in GSFormat.
configure doesn't define HANDLE_LONG_LONG_MAX because LLONG_MAX is not defined.
LLONG_MAX is defined in limits.h if some compilation directives are defined. 
And in my case, it is not defined.
By using export CPPSFLAGS=gnu99 or CPPSFLAGS=c99, LLONG_MAX is defined so 
HANDLE_LONG_LONG_MAX is defined but now core/base no more compile (Protol 
definition conflict between NSObject.h and 

Any idea ?

Date: lun 11.08.2003 à 20:18        By: mguesdon
Problem seems to come from GSFormat wich seems to not handle double length 
modifier like hh, ll

There's also a documentation problem in NSNumber.m:
<term> long long</term>
is the same as for long (it should be %lli instead of %li).

idem for unsigned long long

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