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gnustep-base-1.24.7.tar.gz has incorrect contents

From: Adam Sampson
Subject: gnustep-base-1.24.7.tar.gz has incorrect contents
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:33:27 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23+7 (375ba5ce358c) (2014-03-12)


I've just gone to install gnustep-base-1.24.7.tar.gz, and found it fails
to compile for several reasons (when 1.24.6 worked fine).

The tarball doesn't match the contents of the corresponding Subversion
tag -- e.g. the latest ChangeLog entries are from 2011, and GSXML.m's
implementation of "description" is missing the fix for newer libxml.

It looks like the tarball was made from the 1.22 branch rather than the
1.24 one?


Adam Sampson <ats@offog.org>                         <http://offog.org/>

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