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bug#17856: Unmatched right parenthesis in ERE

From: Sekar Sundaram
Subject: bug#17856: Unmatched right parenthesis in ERE
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:52:37 -0500

Good Day to all... i am sure you have checked this... just in case, if u
have missed, let me write this...  (am a newbie, apologies if something
wrong in my findings)

address@hidden:~> echo "(" | grep "("


address@hidden:~> echo ")" | grep ")"


address@hidden:~> echo ")" | grep -E ")"

grep: Unmatched ) or \)

address@hidden:~> echo ")" | grep -E "\)"


address@hidden:~> echo "(" | grep -E "("

grep: Unmatched ( or \(

address@hidden:~> echo "(" | grep -E "\("


address@hidden:~> echo "(" | grep -e "("


address@hidden:~> echo ")" | grep -e ")"


address@hidden:~> echo ")" | grep -e "\)"

grep: Unmatched ) or \)

address@hidden:~> echo "(" | grep -e "\("

grep: Unmatched ( or \(

thanks, Have a splendid day!

*Best Regards,*

*invent Sekar *

*The smallest things can have the biggest impact. Look inside. - Intel*

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