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[bug #65961] [grohtml] pre-html.cpp: suppress certain warnings from pnmc

From: G. Branden Robinson
Subject: [bug #65961] [grohtml] pre-html.cpp: suppress certain warnings from pnmcrop
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 15:55:55 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #8, bug #65961 (group groff):


I moved that table by ONE LINE and the `pnmcrop` meltdown went away.

/home/branden/bin/harry-manback: groff_me.7
troff:./groff_me.7:188: error: suppression limit registers span more than a
page; grohtml-info for image 1 will be wrong
troff:./groff_me.7:339: error: suppression limit registers span more than a
page; grohtml-info for image 2 will be wrong
troff:./groff_me.7:370: error: suppression limit registers span more than a
page; grohtml-info for image 3 will be wrong
troff:./groff_me.7:436: error: suppression limit registers span more than a
page; grohtml-info for image 4 will be wrong
/home/branden/bin/harry-manback: groff_mm.7
troff:./groff_mm.7:1668: error: suppression limit registers span more than a
page; grohtml-info for image 7 will be wrong
/home/branden/bin/harry-manback: groff_mmse.7
/home/branden/bin/harry-manback: groff_mom.7

_However_, the image isn't correct, either.  It shows only the last row of the
table.  Attached.

(file #56264)


Additional Item Attachment:

File name: groff_mm.7-7.png               Size: 534B


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