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Subject: |
Re: [bug-gtypist] Converting legacy double spaces convention to modern single space after sentence (patch) |
Date: |
Tue, 03 Apr 2018 13:31:42 -0700 |
As a user, I'd like to provide a vote for keeping the two spaces or at least
keeping the option via a command-line flag. Although the current trend is to
have one space between sentences when writing in WYSIWYG editors, there is a
strong argument that it's better to write with plain text with two spaces
between sentences.[1], [2], [3], [4], [5] And, as some of those links explain,
the argument in favor of two spaces goes double for programmers (who, as far as
I can tell, are a big part of the GTypist user base).
[1] http://bartlebysbackpack.com/2017/07/meta-contrarian-typography/
[2] http://bartlebysbackpack.com/2017/08/meta-contrarian-typography-part-2/
[3] http://stevelosh.com/blog/2012/10/why-i-two-space/
[4] http://blogstrapping.com/2011.
I don't intend to start a debate, just to say that I personally value the
current functionality and suspect that at least some other users might too. I
hope that we can find a way to let users make the final call through a
command-line option.
On a (somewhat) related note, I have been working on a series of GTypist
lessons that drill some of the keys that are frequently used when writing code
but that are not used that often in writing prose (such as [, {. ~, `, <, and
|). I'm hoping that the lesson would help play to GTypist's existing strength
for programming typing. I'll circulate the lesson script when I have an
initial version, hopefully in the next few days. If others agree,
incorporating the new lesson could be a project for the new maintainer.
Geoffroy, if you end up being the maintainer, I'd be happy to help in any way I
can. Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with complied languages, so I
doubt I'd be able to help with the C aspects. But I'd be happy to make changes
to the .typ files if you think any are needed (though, as a note, I'll be
traveling some in early spring and won't have great Internet availability).
Best regards,
On Tue, Apr 3, 2018, at 12:08 PM, Felix Natter wrote:
> geoffroy <address@hidden> writes:
> hi geoffroy,
>> I've never maintained a project before, but I feel gtypist could be an
>> interesting learning/first maintenance project? what is needed to
>> maintain the project?
> Thanks for your interest. You need some C and git knowledge,
> but both can be learned as you go :-)
> Furthermore, there are a few processes like creating and announcing
> releases and responding to bug reports (often simple changes to
> lessons).
> I am willing to help you with each of these :-)
> Cheers and Best Regards,
> Felix
>> On April 1, 2018 9:00:27 AM GMT-06:00, Felix Natter <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> Michał Parkoła <address@hidden> writes:
>>>> On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 11:25 AM, Felix Natter <address@hidden>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Michał Parkoła <address@hidden> writes:
>>>> > I like the simplicity and availability of gtypist on almost
>>>> > any
>>> terminal-enabled device, but I am not a fan of learning the legacy
>>> double space method, so
>>>> I've
>>>> > tweaked the course files to remove it.
>>>> >
>>>> > Attached is a patch converting double spaces to single spaces
>>> (along with the instructions, where relevant).
>>>> >
>>>> > If you agree with this change I will also go through the other
>>> lessons.
>>>> The question is whether this should be done programatically on
>>> startup,
>>>> i.e. with --double-spaces option (default=off), or, as you
>>> proposed,
>>>> statically.
>>>> I know of no modern context where double spaces are appropriate. I'd
>>> just change the default/official tutorial to single spaces and if
>>> someone does want to
>>>> experience the historical version he can easily get them online.
>>>> Unfortunately, GTypist (2.10) currently has no maintainer. If
>>> anyone
>>>> wants to step up, I will be glad to help.
>>>> In the absence of an official maintainer is there any way to decide
>>> on changes? Who has the commit rights?
>>> I think the next maintainer shall decide this. In 2.10 (master) we
>>> have the problem that Tim started to use gengetopt with i18n
>>> enhancements, which was never finalized, so this is blocked (probably
>>> we want to revert to the normal getopt).
>>> Is there anybody on this list who wants to take over? I promise to
>>> help, and it's not much work :-)
>>> Cheers and Best Regards,
>>> -- Felix Natter debian/rules!
>>> _______________________________________________ bug-gtypist mailing
>>> list address@hidden
>>> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-gtypist
> --
> Felix Natter debian/rules!
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