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bug#50872: Prosody service + letsencrypt certs improvements

From: Carlo Zancanaro
Subject: bug#50872: Prosody service + letsencrypt certs improvements
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 07:06:31 +1000
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.3; emacs 27.2

Hi Christine,

On Tue, Sep 28 2021, Christine Lemmer-Webber wrote:
Hm, in other words we really ought to run this attached to some hook related to the letsencrypt services... when they renew successfully, it should trigger this command, I'd think. We do similar things for nginx, etc...

I'm pretty sure Guix doesn't do anything automatic when certificates are renewed. For nginx there's an example in the manual for how to set up a deploy hook to reload the certificates[1], so I expect that you'll have to set up something similar.

My prosody setup has this deploy hook:

#~(let ((prosodyctl (string-append #$(specification->package "prosody")
(system* prosodyctl "--root" "cert" "import" "/etc/letsencrypt/live")
        (system* prosodyctl "reload")))

but I have recently had some trouble with it (prosody hasn't been reloading the certificate properly). I don't think my issue is related to this deploy hook, though.

I hope that helps!


[1]: https://guix.gnu.org/en/manual/en/html_node/Certificate-Services.html

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