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bug#54280: stumpwm won't load libraries

From: Einar Largenius
Subject: bug#54280: stumpwm won't load libraries
Date: Sun, 06 Mar 2022 21:00:27 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.6; emacs 27.2


I have an issue where I can't get slynk to load inside stumpwm with Guix
as the package manager. I have no issue loading slynk with either nyxt
or when running a sbcl-repl even without modifying
asdf:*central-registry*. These are the packages I have in my profile:

glibc-locales   2.33                    out     
nyxt            2.2.4                   out     
sbcl            2.2.2                   out     
cl-slynk        1.0.43-5.0470c02        out     
stumpwm         20.11                   out     

If I just try to load slynk directly asdf doesn't seem to find it at
all. If I try to add the *.asd files that Guix provides:

(push (uiop:subpathname* (user-homedir-pathname) 
".guix-profile/share/common-lisp/systems/") asdf:*central-registry*)

And then try to load, I still get an error:

Don't know how to REQUIRE SB-CLTL2

stumpwm itself works without issue.

With kind regards Einar

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