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bug#25327: windows-related dependencies in crates

From: Maxime Devos
Subject: bug#25327: windows-related dependencies in crates
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2022 20:10:43 +0100
User-agent: Evolution 3.38.3-1

Nicolas Graves schreef op do 24-03-2022 om 18:18 [+0100]:
> I included Maxime Devos in the
> conversation, would it be possible to fork guix to develop this and try
> to rebuild every rust package after that on a guix build farm ?

In the past, for some build system changes, separate branches have been
created that are automatically built by ci.guix.gnu.org.  A non-
committer and a committer could then collaborate together (on
guix-devel@gnu.org / guix-patches@gnu.org), though only the committer
actually push the changes.  If, at some point, the changes appear to be
‘ready’, the build on ci.guix.gnu.org can be started to build the
substitutes.  If there are no regressions and the builds completed, the
branch can be merged.

TBC, I'm not a committer, but I'd be willing to review FWIW (I don't
understand cargo).


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