[2007-06-16 18::03:24] Beuc: The approval was not as formaly defined as it is today. I suggest not wasting time with it unless I'm missing something. What's the project? Ê [2007-06-16 18::03:33] NCommander: GNU Hurd Ê [2007-06-16 18::04:26] Beuc: If it's GNU I think it's best discussed with the maintainers and RMS. Ê [2007-06-16 18::05:12] NCommander: (I'm having an arguement with someone on the project mailing lists in regards to licensing, and he states that nowhere does Savannah state that won't host a GPLv2 Only projects, only that we say its "problematic") Ê [2007-06-16 18::06:19] Beuc: Savannah just follows parts the GNU guidelines. If it's a GNU project that a GNU problem before a Savannah hosting problem. Ê [2007-06-16 18::06:38] NCommander: So wait, GNU guidelines states the "or any later version" rule? Ê [2007-06-16 18::07:25] Beuc: Probably. The "GPLv2-only" rule at Savannah was suggested by RMS a couple years ago. Ê [2007-06-16 18::08:12] NCommander: Now, for clarification sake, we don't host GPL2-only projects anymore (expect as it seems, they were grandfathered in before that rule came into effect) Ê [2007-06-16 18::10:46] Beuc: Indeed. If however a GNU project were to be released under GPLv2-only for a reason or another, we'd probably make an exception for the project, because we're the GNU hosting platform and we help providing GNU with what they need. Of course a GPLv2-only project is contrary to the goal of the GNU project which want to advance to GPLv3 and better protect our freedoms, so that's not very likely to happen, but you get the point. Ê [2007-06-16 18::11:59] NCommander: Now, I've got a legal question for you Ê [2007-06-16 18::12:03] Beuc: If you think they're a problem with a GNU project, in theory you check with the maintainers, and RMS for last resort. However I'm not sure it's worth spending time on it. Ê [2007-06-16 18::13:03] NCommander: Ouch Ê [2007-06-16 18::14:38] Beuc: I'd say the combination of Mach with the Linux drivers needs to be GPLv2. Mach w/o the drivers can be distributed under v2 or later. Ê [2007-06-16 18::15:03] NCommander: That's what I thought Ê [2007-06-16 18::16:08] Beuc: Nothing prevents you from dual licensing a contribution to Savane under the Mozilla license + the GNU GPL - the combination with Savane will be GNU GPL only though. You still could take the contribution independently under the MPL. Ê [2007-06-16 18::16:37] NCommander: I think you just caused my brain to go boom Ê [2007-06-16 18::16:49] Beuc: sorry Ê [2007-06-16 18::17:41] NCommander: Its ok Ê [2007-06-16 18::18:19] Beuc: y Ê [2007-06-16 18::18:30] NCommander: is that short for why or yes Ê [2007-06-16 18::18:56] Beuc: When I type 'yes' in a terminal, I get 'y' :) Ê [2007-06-16 18::19:13] NCommander: Go geek humor Ê [2007-06-16 18::23:52] Beuc: That was the final question? Ê [2007-06-16 18::25:24] NCommander: No the "old BSD one"