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[Bug-indent] Disabling indentation styles

From: Paul Smith
Subject: [Bug-indent] Disabling indentation styles
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 11:53:07 -0400

Hi all; I have some questions.  What I'm looking for, ultimately, is a
tool to help me re-indent (but _only_ re-indent!) code in an automated

By this I mean I want to fix the actual indentation of lines, normalize
use of whitespace during indentation, etc.

But I do _not_ want to perform any other formatting cleanups: no
movement of braces, adding/removing whitespace to the right of the
indentation, etc. etc.

>From the manual it wasn't immediately obvious to me whether every GNU
indent option that modified code had the ability to be disabled.  It
would be great if one of the "common styles" was something like "-none"
which started with no indentation enabled at all; that is, if you used
that style with no other options the output of indent would be identical
to the input, while still actually parsing the file (that is, "-none"
would not simply be a short-circuit around the guts of indent that turns
it into cat, but it would actually parse the code: it would simply
decide to not make a change at every decision point).

Do you think it's possible for me to come up with a set of options to
the current version of GNU indent which implements this "-none" common

Do you think it's useful to have such a common style at all?

Do you think that GNU indent could be usefully employed in the fashion
I'm interested in (that is, to enforce "partial" coding standards, where
only certain types of things like indentation were standardized, and the
rest left unmodified)?

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden> HASMAT: HA Software Mthds & Tools
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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