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Re: [Bug-indent] Patch vs indent-2.2.8

From: david ingamells
Subject: Re: [Bug-indent] Patch vs indent-2.2.8
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 20:51:21 +0200

Thank you for the updates. I have not yet examined the code changes or looked 
at the fit between your new arguments and the existing/desired arguments, but 
I see no immediate problems. I shall be merging this and some other submitted 
patches over the coming couple of weeks, with the aim being to make the next 
release in August.

I cannot guarantee that I'll take your updates as-is but I'll contact you if 
I discover problems.



On Tuesday 02 July 2002 2:42 pm, Cristalle Azundris Sabon wrote:
>   Hi,
>   I added support for the indentation-style we use in our
>   group.  This adds the following:
> --preprocessor-indentation (pwi)   if set, will indent nested
>                                    preprocessor-statements with
>                                    n spaces per level.  overrides
>                                    -lps.
> --dont-pad-operators       (npop)  no spaces to either side of + == etc.
> --pad-operators            (pop)   the default.
> --no-space-after-commas    (nsac)  foo(a,b,c) rather than foo(a, b, c)
> --space-after-commas       (sac)   the default.
> --no-space-in-for          (nsif)  for(a;b;c) rather than for(a; b; c)
> --space-in-for             (sif)   the default.
> --cuddle-right-braces      (crb)   you'll hate this unless you like lisp.
> --dont-cuddle-right-braces (ncrb)  the default.
>   I feel that these add even more flexibility and consistency to
>   indent (if you have control over spaces *after* "for", you should
>   have control over spaces *in* for etc. : ).
>   Please let me know if there are more elegant ways of implementing
>   some of the stuff, you're more familiar with the code.
>   Also feel free to yell at me if I broke anything.  : )
>   Azundris, hackerette-in-training

David Ingamells
+31 (013) 5093388     (home)
+31 615010947 (mobile)

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