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[Bug-kawa] acquaint puritan

From: Lauretta Locke
Subject: [Bug-kawa] acquaint puritan
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 19:33:04 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

" "Depend on foreigners to balance your budget?
These instruments are called floating-rate securities. We still do not know when or how the correction will come.
More health insurance. Its house is worth more dollars. More Social Security Insurance. More protection offered by more government employees than ever before. Again, excluding Germany, jobs in the rest of Europe grew at the same pace as in America.
By setting its key lending rate below the current inflation rate, the Fed misled almost everyone. Well, only on the surface. economy has done no better than Europe.
By setting its key lending rate below the current inflation rate, the Fed misled almost everyone. Like the defunct Soviet Union, it has a sickle in one hand and a hammer in the other. And yet, it is even more dangerous to bet on it.
" "Depend on foreigners to balance your budget?
Spiked up by the biggest dose of fiscal and monetary juice in history, America's economy has slightly outpaced Europe's. We don't know what to make of it, so we turn to the dead for an opinion.
While Europe got no net stimulus, America has gotten enough to give it the shakes. Pelo Carlos ou pela Marta? While Europe got no net stimulus, America has gotten enough to give it the shakes. More health insurance. And yet, it is even more dangerous to bet on it.
It has many more credit cards, with much larger lines of credit.
So, we stop, draw breath, and wonder.
More gadgets, gizmos, and whatchmacallits. It is intended to correct the excesses and mistakes of the expansion phase.
Quem vc acha que deveria ganhar, hein?
America is the greatest jobs machine on the planet, right? economy has done no better than Europe.
More Social Security Insurance.
Nothing begins that does not end. Coment em lugar errado.

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