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Re: [PATCH] Updating homepage to point people to pagure for development.

From: Yuchen Pei
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Updating homepage to point people to pagure for development.
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 16:25:58 +1100
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.2

jahoti <jahoti@envs.net> writes:

On 10/13/21 3:32 AM, Yuchen Pei wrote:
If we were to evaluate pagure.io based on the ethical repository criteria[1] it would probably get an F for failing C0, because with LibreJS on I couldn't register a new account, nor could I create a
pull request.

Couldn't you?

When I tried to register, I couldn't navigate to the "register tab" from the "login tab".

After a second look, I was not sure about creating a pull request. When I click "create a pull request", I see an empty page, with 10 scripts blocked. But that could also be I don't have a commit on my fork yet.

So I tried to push my commit to my fork so that I can create a PR, but that seems to require adding an ssh key, which I cannot do with LibreJS on: clicking "Add SSH key" does nothing.

I went to private browsing where librejs is disabled to add a key, pushed my commit to my fork[1], and came back to my main browser without private browsing. I am still not able to create a PR, as the button is disabled, and "Files changed" and "Commits" both show a count of 0 - see the attached screenshot.

[1]: https://pagure.io/fork/ycp/librejs/c/fadb9a896a11ba929476cc5adb5f4a35815cedd0?branch=fix-json-parsing

Attachment: pagure.png
Description: PNG image

It worked for me using NoScript with an empty whitelist
and scripts blocked.

Either way, I agree reports should be accepted from the GNU mailing list.


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