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\spanrequest crashes lily

From: Simon Bailey
Subject: \spanrequest crashes lily
Date: 18 Sep 2002 17:27:04 +0200


the following fragment will crash lilypond everytime:

\score { 
  \notes {
    \key b \major
    \property Voice.TextSpanner \set #'type = #'trill
    \property Voice.TextSpanner \set #'edge-height = #'(0 . 2)
    \property Voice.TextSpanner \set #'edge-text = #'((line (music
"scripts-trill") " ") . "")

    <b1 {s8\spanrequest \start "text" s8 s2 s8 s8\spanrequest \stop

if i don't use spacer notes, then it will work. it used to work in 1.5.*
-- i arranged a piece w/lily using spacer notes and a trill TextSpanner.

i assume i could get around it by making the notes in the secondary
voice transparent, but using spacer notes would be easier.

any ideas?


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