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lilypond crash

From: Edward Sanford Sutton, III
Subject: lilypond crash
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 22:12:39 -0700
User-agent: KMail/1.6.51

  I was working on a piano piece with dynamics and pedals. I tried to quickly 
disable the midi dynamics due to the extra output from warnings that it 
forgets that dynamics were ever started.
  Below I included the verbose processing output, followed by the .ly file in 
its origional context for completeness.
  I don't know that this is important to fix or not, but if I can provide 
further information, let me know.

$ lilypond --verbose nocturne.ly
lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.1.30.hwn1
Opening pipe `/usr/local/bin/lilypond-bin --version '
Opening pipe `kpsexpand \$TEXMF'
Opening pipe `kpsewhich -expand-path=\$T1FONTS'
Invoking `/usr/local/bin/lilypond-bin  
-I /home/mirror176/music/mutopia/nocturne 
-I /home/mirror176/music/mutopia/nocturne 
-I /home/mirror176/music/mutopia/nocturne -H dedication -H title -H subtitle 
-H subsubtitle -H footer -H head -H composer -H arranger -H instrument -H 
opus -H piece -H metre -H meter -H poet -H texttranslator -H textheight -H 
orientation -H language -H latexpackages -H papersize -H pagenumber -H 
latexheaders -H latexoptions -H linewidth -H unit --verbose nocturne'
lilypond_datadir: `/usr/local/share/lilypond'
local_lilypond_datadir: `/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.1.30.hwn1'
localedir: `/usr/local/share/locale'

Now processing: `nocturne.ly'
scm-hash.cc:104: void Scheme_hash_table::set(scm_unused_struct*, 
scm_unused_struct*): Assertion `gh_symbol_p (k)' failed.
lilypond: warning: `usr' failed (signal 6) (ignored)

lilypond: error: LilyPond crashed (signal 6).
lilypond: error: Please submit a bug report to address@hidden
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/lilypond", line 867, in ?
    run_lilypond (files, dep_prefix)
  File "/usr/local/bin/lilypond", line 286, in run_lilypond
    ly.exit (status)
  File "/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.1.30.hwn1/python/lilylib.py", line 130, in 
    raise _ ('Exiting (%d)...') % i
Exiting (6)...
Cleaning /tmp/tmpC4sOZLlilypond...

#(ly:set-point-and-click 'line)
%\include "paper16.ly"
%\paper  {
%  linewidth = 455.244096\pt
%\paper{papersize = "letter"}
\version "2.1.30"

\header {
%  dedication = "dedication"
  title = "Nocturne"
%  subtitle = "Subtitle"
%  subsubtitle = "Subsubtitle"
  composer = "F. F. Chompin (xxxx-yyyy)"
  opus = "Op. 9, No. 2"
%  piece = "Piece I"
%  instrument = "Piano"
%  arranger = "Arranger"
%  poet = "Poet"
%  texttranslator = "Translator"
  copyright = "public domain"
  source =  "urtext "
  enteredby = "Edward Sanford Sutton, III"
  maintainerEmail = "address@hidden"
  texidoc = "The standard header that ought to be above a file."
%tagline = "Lily was here, 1.8.0"
sustainDownSimile = \sustainDown
sustainUpSimile = \sustainUp
%sustainDownSimile = \null
%sustainUpSimile = \null
fingeringLeft = { \once \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) }
fingeringRight = { \once \set fingeringOrientations = #'(right) }
upper = \notes\relative c'' {
    \tempo 8 = 132 % "Andante M.M." \tempo 8 = 132
    \key ees \major
    \time 12/8
    \partial 8 bes8-2(_\markup { \bold \italic "con espress" } |
    g'4.)-5~^\markup { \bold \italic "dolce" } g8( f g f4. ees4) bes8( |
    g'4-5\< c,8\!\turn^\markup { \finger "1432" } c'4-5 g8 bes4.-4 aes4)-3 g8
( |

lower = \notes\relative c, {
    \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket
    \key ees \major
    \time 12/8
    \partial 8 r8 |
    ees-.\sustainDown \fingeringLeft <g'-5 ees'-2>( <bes ees g>)
      ees,-.\sustainUp\sustainDown \fingeringLeft <aes-4 d-2>( \fingeringRight 
<ces-3 d-2 aes'-1>)
      ees,,-.\sustainUp\sustainDown <g' ees'>( <bes ees g>)
      d,,-.\sustainUp\sustainDown <g' ees'>( <bes ees g>) |
    c,,-._\markup { \bold \italic "Ped. simile" } \sustainUp\sustainDownSimile 
<g'' e'>( <bes e g>)
      c,-.\sustainDownSimile\sustainUpSimile \fingeringLeft <g'-5 
ees'-2>( \fingeringLeft <c-3 ees bes>)
      f,,-.\sustainDownSimile\sustainUpSimile <f' des'>( <bes des e>)
      f,-.\sustainDownSimile\sustainUpSimile <f' c'>( <aes c f>) |

dynamics = \notes {
%  s2\fff\> s4
%  s\!\pp

pedal = \notes {
%%    \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket
%    \partial 8 s8 |
%    s8\sustainDown s s s\sustainUp\sustainDown

\score {
  \context PianoStaff <<
    \context Staff=upper \upper
    \context Dynamics=dynamics \dynamics
    \context Staff=lower <<
      \clef bass
    \context Dynamics=pedal \pedal
  \paper {
    \context {
      \type "Engraver_group_engraver"
      \name Dynamics
      \alias Voice % So that \cresc works, for example.
      \consists "Output_property_engraver"
      minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-1 . 1)
%      pedalSustainStrings = #'("Ped." "*Ped." "*")
%      pedalUnaCordaStrings = #'("una corda" "" "tre corde")
      \consists "Piano_pedal_engraver"
      \consists "Script_engraver"
      \consists "Dynamic_engraver"
      \consists "Text_engraver"

      \override TextScript #'font-size = #2
      \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
      \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5)
      \override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5)

      \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator"

      \consistsend "Axis_group_engraver"
    \context {
      \accepts Dynamics
      \override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #7
  \midi {
    \context {
      \type "Performer_group_performer"
      \name Dynamics
      \consists "Piano_pedal_performer"
%      \consists "Span_dynamic_performer"
%      \consists "Dynamic_performer"
    \context {
%      \PianoStaffContext
%      \accepts Dynamics

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