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bezier intersection error

From: Sean Reed
Subject: bezier intersection error
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 18:28:04 +0200


i'm getting the following message in my terminal output when running 2.3.18 on mac 10.3.5:

programming error: No solution found for Bezier intersection.
Continuing; crossing fingers

when i run lilypond on my full .ly-file (currently a score of 214 measures and 17 pages) i receive the error 13 times. a pdf file of the score is successfully produced which looks fine.

i have reduced the original file to 2 pages and 12 measures with one occurrence of the stated error. i am unfortunately having trouble isolating the problem to a file which is any smaller than the text below, since depending on the measure or passage i choose to erase, the problem may still be there or not. at the moment with the file below, removing additional measures from either the beginning or the end of the file and commenting out either of the instruments in the \score results in terminal output with no more error message. randomly removing a measure from somewhere within the score has also done the same thing for thus far.

Sean Reed
Hamburg, Germany
Web: www.seanreed.de


\version "2.3.17"

violinNotes = {
#(set-accidental-style 'modern)
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'numbered
\time 4/4
\tempo 4 = 60
\clef violin
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin"
\set Staff.instrument = "Violin "
\set Staff.instr = "Vln "
\relative c'' {
% measure 45
r8 bes~\mf bes2 r4 |
\grace d8~ d1~ |
d4 d8[ \grace a16 cis8]~ \times 2/3 {cis8[ a8-. r8]} r4 |
\bar "||"
% measure 70
r4 r8. es16\mf\<~ es[ f g r16] r16[ b'8 cis16]~\f\! |
cis16[ r16 \grace cis16~ <a cis>8] \times 2/3 {r8 <g a>4~} <g a>16[ b16 r8] <g b>4\> |
% measure 75
r4 r16[ cis,8->\f\> dis16-.] \times 2/3 {f8-.->[\! r8 f,-.\mp\>]} g16-.[ r16 a'16-. cis16-.\!] |
r4 <cis dis>8-.->\mf r8 r16 <a cis>16-.-> r8 r8 <b cis>8-.-> |
r16[ <a cis>-.-> r <a cis>-.->] r16[ <a cis>8-> <a cis>16-.] r16 <b cis>-.-> r8 \times 4/5 { r16 cis-. b-. g-. es-.} |
b4 r2.
\bar "||"
% measure 80
r4 \grace a,32 \times 2/3 {b16->[(\f e a)~} a8~] a8~[ a32 g( a e-.)] a->([ g-.) r16 r16 a32->( e-.)] |
fis16-.-> r8. fis16-.[ r16 \times 2/3 {e-.->( fis gis-.])} es->([ f-.) r16 dis32->( gis-.]) fis->([ gis dis gis fis16. e32)] |
fis32->([ gis fis16-.) r16 e32->( fis)] gis->([ fis e a e16-.) r] \times 2/3 {fis16->([ gis fis-.)} r e-.] a32->([ e a g c16-.) r] |

pianoRhNotes = {
#(set-accidental-style 'modern)
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'numbered
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
\relative c' {
% measure 45
r2. \grace <f bes es>16( a4~)\mf |
<e a d>2 ais32[\p <dis, fis ais>8..~] <dis fis ais>4 |
<des f bes>4->\mp r2. |
\bar "||"
% measure 70
r8 es16-. r16 r8 g16-. r16 \times 4/5 {f16[->( des f g b-.)]} g8.[ <g' a>16-.] |
r16[ a-.->( g-. es-.)] <f g>8--->([ es-.)] r8 <a, b>16 r16 r16[ <f a>-. r16. f'32-.] |
% measure 75
r8. <f, g b>16-. r16 <f g b>-. r8 r16<f g b>16-. r8 <f g b>16-.[ r f16.--~ <f g a>32] |
r8[ <des' f a>16->(\ff b'-.)] <des, f a>->[( b'-.) r16 <f a b>-.->] f,->([\mf a-.) r <a cis>-.->] f32->([ a <b dis> a g8-.)] |
r4 g32->([ a b8.)] \times 2/3 {dis8-. <g, a b>-.-> dis'-.} b16-.[ g-. a-. b-.] |
a16-.[ f-. es-. r] r <des f>-. r8 r4 r16 <f' a b cis>-. r8 |
% measure 80
r4 \times 2/3 {a'4\f a16->( g-.)} g,32->([ a b a b g a e-.)] r4 |
r8[ r32 f,( g a)] b->([ e b e fis16-.->) r] r[ <e fis b>32->( a-.) <e fis b>->( a-.) r16] r[ <c, f g>32->( es-.) r16 <f g c>-.->] |
r16[ <f g c>32->( bes-.) r16 <f g c>->(] bes-.)[ r <fis gis>-.-> r16] <fis gis cis>8-.->[ <fis gis cis>32->( b-.) r16] r8[ \grace f64 g32->( a g a)] |

pianoLhNotes = {
#(set-accidental-style 'modern)
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'numbered
\clef bass
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
\relative c {
%measure 45
r8.. bes'32-.\mp r2. |
r16 c8.-- r2. |
r1 |
\bar "||"
% measure 70
des,,16-.->[ des'-. ces-. <des f>16] ces16->[ <des f>8( <des es>16-.)] r16 <ces es>8.---> \times 2/3 {g16->([ <es' f>16 ces16)} <des es>8-.] |
r8. <g b>16-. r8. des,16-. r4 r8. <f' a>16-.-> |
% measure 75
r8 <a cis>16-.-> r <a cis>16-.-> r8.] <a cis>16-.-> r r <a cis>-.->] r[ a-.-> r g,-.] |
\times 2/3 {r8[ <f a b>-> <f a b>->]} r8 <f a b>16-> r dis'-. r8. g16-. r8. |
r4 <g b>16-.-> r8. r2 |
r4 b16-.[ a,-. r g-.] r4 r16 es-. r8 |
\bar "||"
% measure 80
r4 a,16-.-> r8. <es'' f>8-.-> \grace <es f>32~ <es f>16 r g,8.->( d16-.) |
e32->([ fis b cis dis16) r] r4 \clef treble r16[ <f' g a d>-.-> <f g a d>-.-> r] r[ <dis gis ais>-.-> r <gis ais dis>-.->] |
r16[ <gis ais dis>-.-> r <gis ais dis>-.->] \clef bass r8 <g, a b e>16-.-> r \clef treble <g' a b e>8-.->[ <g a b e>16-.-> r] r4 |

\score {
\time 4/4
\new Staff <<
\violinNotes >>
\new PianoStaff <<
\set PianoStaff.instrument = "Piano "
\set PianoStaff.instr = "Pno "
\new Staff \pianoRhNotes
\new Staff \pianoLhNotes
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "a4")

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