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Re: critial \relative failure on OSX 10.4.2 and 2.6.4-1

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: critial \relative failure on OSX 10.4.2 and 2.6.4-1
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 20:12:32 -0800

On 30-Oct-05, at 10:43 AM, Chris Sawer wrote:

Fortunately, LilyPond 2.6.3 still works, I notice that the link on the download site still points to 2.6.3 for Mac OS X. More importantly, the recent 2.7 series builds still work on Tiger - for me at least - so I think we can write 2.6.4-1.dmg off as some weird build problem.

Ah, thanks.  I was wondering why it didn't point to 2.6.4...

- Graham

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