\version "2.13.29" \header { title = "Dummy score" instrument = "Violin 1" copyright = "No © 2010 by anyone" } \paper { ragged-last-bottom = ##f % Allow line-breaks only at long rests! #(define page-breaking ly:page-turn-breaking) } \paper { bookTitleMarkup = \markup { Dummy title page } } \layout { \context { \Staff \consists "Page_turn_engraver" } } % page break here, because the bookTitleMarkup will be a whole page: \pageBreak % The score: LilyPond refuses to add a page turn at the R1*12 and instead % gives a warning and crams together all notes!!! \relative c'' { \compressFullBarRests \repeat unfold 30 { c4 c, c'' c, }\bar"||" R1*5 | \repeat unfold 120 { c4 c, c'' c, }\bar"||" R1*12 \bar"||" \repeat unfold 100 { c4 c, c'' c, } \bar"|." }