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Re: Issue 1562 in lilypond: using \sans on Windows gives 'gs' error (2.1

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1562 in lilypond: using \sans on Windows gives 'gs' error (2.13.53) fails to compile
Date: Sat, 28 May 2011 19:01:39 +0000

Comment #25 on issue 1562 by jan.nieuwenhuizen: using \sans on Windows gives 'gs' error (2.13.53) fails to compile

Thanks to James who kindly provided two Windows 7 [virtual] servers to play with,
I have some extra information.

It turns out that there is no difference with respect to ghostscript on the
SP0/SP1 platforms; the difference is in the postscript file that LilyPond

I suspect that also LilyPond runs fine and that the only difference is
a change of the sans font on Windows 7 SP1.

In any case, all instances of ghostscript that I tested (also on Ubuntu
Natty) fail in a similar way on this SP1-produced PS-file.

I filed a ghostscript bug: http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=692241

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