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Possible bug, or I am doing something wrong?

From: Sami Amiris
Subject: Possible bug, or I am doing something wrong?
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2012 16:18:33 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

Please run this, it is self-explanatory. It is an issue with autochange and 
beaming. Is it me, or a bug?

\version "2.14.2"

                        \new PianoStaff
                                \new Staff = "up"
                                        \key des \major 
                                        \time 7/8
                                        \clef treble
                                        \set Timing.beatStructure = #'(7)
                                        \autochange {
                                        \relative c'
                                                \bar "|:" 
                                                 ges8 aes bes c des ees f | 
":|" \cadenzaOn ges1 \cadenzaOff \bar "|."
                                \new Staff = "down"
                                        \key des \major 
                                        \clef bass
                                        \autochange {
                                        \relative c
                                                 ges8 aes bes c des ees f | 
\cadenzaOn ges1 \cadenzaOff
                                subtitle = ##f
                                subsubtitle = ##f
                                piece = \markup{Correct split beaming of the 
hands. R.H. "\\relative" c' -- L.H. "\\relative" c}

                        \new PianoStaff
                                \new Staff = "up"
                                        \key des \major 
                                        \time 7/8
                                        \clef treble
                                        \set Timing.beatStructure = #'(7)
                                        \autochange {
                                        \relative c''
                                                \bar "|:" 
                                                 ges8 aes bes c des ees f | 
":|" \cadenzaOn ges1 \cadenzaOff \bar "|."
                                \new Staff = "down"
                                        \key des \major 
                                        \clef bass
                                        \autochange {
                                        \relative c'
                                                 ges8 aes bes c des ees f | 
\cadenzaOn ges1 \cadenzaOff
                                subtitle = ##f
                                subsubtitle = ##f
                                piece = \markup{\column{\justify{Incorrect non-
split beaming of the two hands into one "\"octave\"" pattern, if the R.H. is 
"\\relative" to c'' or higher, no matter the L.H. In the example the code is 
same as above, only the "\"relative\"" notes are changed. Here R.H. 
c'' -- L.H. "\\relative" c'}}}

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