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automatic scaling to paper size?

From: pls
Subject: automatic scaling to paper size?
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 17:39:12 +0100

Hey all,

in http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=3023 I wrote:
I'm not too sure what "Automatic scaling to paper size"  means 
  Does it mean that only some \paper variables are scaled to the new size or is 
the function supposed to scale up/down the staff size / note symbols and titles 
as well?
I tried to scale down 
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ioo4waiconj443v/04-GoTellItOnTheMountain.ly via the 
command line (LilyPond v2.17.8):

$ lilypond -dpaper-size=\"a6\" 04-GoTellItOnTheMountain.ly

This is the result: 

The titles, the tagline and the staves / note symbols still seem to have the 
same size.  The staves weren't scaled down but rather cut in two.

I got the same result when I included one of the following commands directly in 
the .ly file:

#(set-default-paper-size "a6")

Here is another example: 
https://www.dropbox.com/s/waso6zxtp8dw2v9/JSB_BWV1047_1_pls.ly and here is the 
result of 

$lilypond -dpaper-size=\"a7\" JSB_BWV1047_1_pls.ly


Loads of collisions. The staff size is not scaled down to the paper sizeā€¦


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