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Re: Bug report - no return to outer voice at end of associatedvoice

From: Marten Visser
Subject: Re: Bug report - no return to outer voice at end of associatedvoice
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2013 15:58:28 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

Phil Holmes <mail <at> philholmes.net> writes:

> "Marten Visser" <msvisser <at> planet.nl> wrote in message 
> news:loom.20131207T144955-756 <at> post.gmane.org...
> > Somewhat, see below.
> >
> Is that honestly the smallest you can make an example?  It seems 
> long and quite complex to count as tiny.

Of course you can have 50% at half the price:


\version "2.16.2"

staffNotes = {
        <<as1 \new CueVoice = "DutchSpecificOne" { as2. f8[ f] }>> |
        f2. bes,4 }

StanzaOneHebrewTrans = \lyricmode {
        jal ta' -- a -- rog

StanzaOneDutch = \lyricmode {
        \set associatedVoice = #"DutchSpecificOne" hert dat
        \set associatedVoice = #"Melody" ver -- langt en dorst

\score {
                \new Staff {
                        \key c \minor
                        \new Voice = "Melody" { \relative c'' \staffNotes }
                        \addlyrics {\StanzaOneHebrewTrans}
                        \addlyrics {\StanzaOneDutch}
        \layout {}

I'd much appreciate a workaround (solving bugs takes time, I know), so that 
the text of the second stanza will become visible after the CueVoice.

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