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Re: time-signature-single-digit.ly and time-signature-single-digit.ly do

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: time-signature-single-digit.ly and time-signature-single-digit.ly don't have \version
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 14:55:24 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Masamichi HOSODA <address@hidden> writes:

>> But I think PureDarwin/OpenDarwin are a problem for later: I don't
>> think we supported them in 2.19.15, so it would be important to get
>> 2.19.16 out first with the currently supported platforms before
>> trying something new.
> I don't want PureDarwin / OpenDarwin corresponding lilypond.
> I want to test the Mac version lilypond. I didn't have Mac.

I'd not bother then.  2.19.16 is a developer release, so it is not
required that it works for every platform.  Before stable releases, we
try our best to get things to work according on the feedback we get for
developer releases.

The whole point of GUB is that most developers don't need to bother at
all with platforms they don't actually use themselves.

> On the other hand, Darwin is the core components and subset of Mac OS
> X.  Therefore, I thought that it could be used as Max OS X
> substitutes.
> However, lilypond requires Carbon that are not included in Darwin.  It
> is included only Mac OS X.  I found that Darwin could not be used as
> Mac OS X substitutes.

I think it might make sense telling this to the Pango people: if Pango
was able to work without Carbon, that would be an advantage for users of
Free Software.  But I don't know what this means for font support.

Personally, I would be fine with supporting only fonts working with
Darwin, just to get the message to Apple that they should make Darwin an
actually useful option when they want to call it "Open Source" or

> I've found some issues.
> Now, I'm trying to fix them.

If you don't have an actual MacOSX platform, I'd recommend that we just
release 2.19.16 and wait for user feedback from testers who _have_ a
Mac.  There is a price to pay for proprietary platforms, and it makes
more sense to me if that price is paid by those preferring those
platforms than by the developers working on free platforms.

And those users can test a lot more realistically anyway: any changes
you make to your Darwin setup in order to make a problem go away might
either be a MacOSX/Darwin difference, or an actual problem also occuring
on MacOSX.  And that's what MacOSX users are more qualified to report.

David Kastrup

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