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Re: Slur collision detection and resolution works for sharp symbol but f

From: Aaron Hill
Subject: Re: Slur collision detection and resolution works for sharp symbol but fails for flat symbol
Date: Sun, 27 May 2018 08:52:08 -0700
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.6

On 2018-05-27 06:29, Jürgen Reuter wrote:
Looks like slur collision detection and resolution (the slur is moved
upwards) works fine for sharp accidentals, but is ignored for flat

Lily-Code (here tested on current lilybin.com, but seems to be
reproducible in all lily versions of the last couple of years, hence
it's probably not a recent regression):

% LilyBin
        \override Stem.direction = #UP
        \override Slur.direction = #UP
        a'( g'') a'( g'')
        a'( ges'') a'( gis'')


If you remove the override for stem direction, it would appear the slur passes through both accidentals on both 2.18.2 and 2.19.48 via LilyBin. Also confirmed behavior locally on 2.19.81.

  \version "2.18.2"
    \override Slur.direction = #UP
    a'( ges'') a'( gis'') % Collision with both accidentals.
    \override Stem.direction = #UP
    a'( ges'') a'( gis'') % Collision with flat only.

-- Aaron Hill

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