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Re: abc2ly script doesn't support dynamics

From: Martin Tarenskeen
Subject: Re: abc2ly script doesn't support dynamics
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 10:06:34 +0100 (CET)

(My comments are below the quoted message)

On Fri, 6 Mar 2020, alex wrote:

I am using `abc2ly`, provided in the lilypond packaging, to convert the 
following ABC to Lilypond:

C: Alex Hansen
L: 1/128

V:TI clef=treble name="Voice 1" snm="V.1"

V:TII clef=bass name="Voice 2" snm="V.2"

[V:TI] d32d32a32a32b32b32!p!a64g32g32^f32^f32e32e32d64


Hi Alex,

I tried the ABC -> abc2xml -> musicxml2ly -> LILYPOND method and it works. But before that, be sure to input valid ABC code. Most important you can't put empty lines between the lines in ABC syntax, unlike lilypond. In ABC an empty line terminates a song. And you need an X: field to start the header (recommended), and a K: field to mark the end of the header (required).

See here: https://abcnotation.com/wiki/abc:standard

Your code in valid ABC would look something like

T:Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
C:Alex Hansen
V:TI clef=treble name="Voice 1" snm="V.1"
V:TII clef=bass name="Voice 2" snm="V.2"
[V:TI] d32 d32 a32 a32 | b32 b32 !p!a64 | g32 g32 ^f32 ^f32 | e32 e32 d64 |
[V:TII] d,,128 | g,,128 | b,,128 | a,,64 d,,64 |

After these corrections I could use abc2xml and produce valid lilypond output, including the \p dynamics.


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