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Re: changes on usim/trunk

From: Björn Victor
Subject: Re: changes on usim/trunk
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:23:43 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 2025-01-15 21:35, Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:
We already (sorta ...) provide a default usim.ini by virtue of a
release usim-nnn-m.ini.  That sets name, directories and other such.

Bjorn, do you have a better idea? I was under the impression that Lisp
Machine resident hackers would use their own usim.ini (since Chaos
address, directories, etc are different ..) so some default is not
really that intersting.

For "lusers" -- you'd juse use the usim-303.ini or some such that I
(might) provide when dumping a major release?

The release usim-nnn-m.ini is a good place for defaults (and, perhaps commented out, defaults). The point here is to make it run "out of the box" as much as possible, right?

I think using default Chaos addresses on subnet 376 would be good, like ITS does. It would make it easier for people who run ITS (which is *rather a lot* of people these days, thanks to the PiDP-10 project) to try out the CADR. It would make sense to explain (perhaps in the usim-nnn-m.ini) how to use the hosts.txt from the ITS distro.

-- Björn

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