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[bug-mailutils] modifying mail content

From: Info Xwave
Subject: [bug-mailutils] modifying mail content
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:14:51 +0100

Am I doing something generally wrong?

I simply want to read a MIME mail, perform some modifications
on header values or body content. 
Therefore I read in the message from a stream and do things like

message_get_header (message, &header);
header_set_value(header, MU_HEADER_SUBJECT, "A new subject", 1);

or provide a new body:

file_stream_create (&bodyStream, tempFilename, MU_STREAM_READ);
body_set_stream (body, bodyStream, message);
message_set_body(*message, body, NULL);

afterwards I dump my message to stdout to see the modifications:

void DumpMailToScreen (message_t message)
        char buf[2048];
        int offset = 0;
        size_t nbytes;
        stream_t mailStream = 0;
        stream_t stdoutStream = 0;

        message_get_stream (message, &mailStream);
        stdio_stream_create (&stdoutStream, stdout, 0);

        while (stream_readline (mailStream, buf, sizeof (buf), offset,
&nbytes) == 0 && nbytes) {
                printf ("%s", buf);
                offset += nbytes;
        stream_destroy (&mailStream, NULL);

        stream_flush (stdoutStream);
        stream_destroy (&stdoutStream, NULL);

unfortunately, I cant see any of my modifications.
I am sure, the problem is in "my garden" but I cant see where...

how can i simply remove all attachments from the read message?
i can so e.g. message_create_attachment, but how

thanks a lot! & greetings

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