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Re: Defining new targets with eval during secondary expansion?

From: Brian Vandenberg
Subject: Re: Defining new targets with eval during secondary expansion?
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2017 10:04:34 -0600

This is a bit nicer but there's still some duplication. What I'd like to do
is replace the argument on the right hand side with $(dir $@). With secondary
expansion enabled I could write something like this:

  mktargetdir = $(eval $(call mkdir_template,$(dir $@))) $(dir $@)


  build/foo/bar/baz/mytarget: | $$(mktargetdir)

Then I can just write the path for each target and all the duplication is gone.
But this doesn't work and I get the error above about prerequisites in recipes.

What if you changed the way you specify your targets, eg:

ASDF = $(foreach x, ${1}, $(eval $(call ${0}_, ${1}, $(dirname ${1})))) ${1}
define ASDF_ =
${1} :| ${2}
${2} : ; mkdir -p address@hidden

$(call build/foo/bar/baz/mytarget) : other dependencies for mytarget


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