required to build GNU Make with UTF-8 on Windows.
I have tested it with all 3 supported toolchains:
.\build_w32.bat (uses MSVC)
.\build_w32.bat gcc
.\build_w32.bat tcc
with/without --debug and with/without --x86 for MSVC.
In all cases, it produces the expected UTF-8 Make executable.
gcc and tcc must find 'windres' from binutils to compile the
UTF-8 resource file into an object file.
I have also tested the Autotools approach (on Windows this
time, as the above, in contrast to the cross-compile I did
initially). From an MSYS2 shell:
./bootstrap (generates configure)
./configure (generates Makefiles)
and we get a UTF-8 make.exe in the source dir.
I also gave the approach a shot and, despite my
best efforts, I couldn't get it to work with either toolchain.
There were just so many problems that it seems broken to
me, unless I wasn't using it correctly. I followed the steps
in README.git -> Building From Git for Windows:
and then from README.W32 -> Building with (MinGW-)
GCC using GNU Make:
make -f
make -f TOOLCHAIN=gcc
but I was hitting some pretty fundamental errors like CC
not being defined, I manually defined it and then got tons
of link errors at which point I gave up. If these are
functional and we want to support them with UTF-8, I
would need some help to get them working first.
For convenience, I have carried the previous changes
along so this patch has everything done so far, that is,
the changes in both the Autotools approach (tested
both in cross & native compile) and the build_w32.bat
approach. Also, this time everything was done from
the current master branch of the Git repo (disabling the
maintainer mode when building allowed me to build
from Git by not turning warnings into errors).