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Re: GNU Parallel Bug Reports parallel fails to run: /bin/bash: 2: comman

From: Ole Tange
Subject: Re: GNU Parallel Bug Reports parallel fails to run: /bin/bash: 2: command not found
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 23:31:56 +0200

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 5:27 AM, Kamil Slowikowski
<address@hidden> wrote:

> seq 1 5 | parallel --gnu
> /bin/bash: 2: command not found    <-- Why is this happening?
> /bin/bash: 2: command not found
> /bin/bash: 2: command not found
> /bin/bash: 2: command not found
> /bin/bash: 2: command not found

I cannot reproduce your error. I get:

$ seq 1 5 | parallel --gnu
/bin/bash: 1: command not found
/bin/bash: 2: command not found
/bin/bash: 3: command not found
/bin/bash: 4: command not found
/bin/bash: 5: command not found

which is what is expected as per the manual:

    If """command"" is not given GNU parallel will behave similar to cat | sh.

and 'seq 1 5 | cat | sh' gives output similar to what I get.

If this does not clear up your situation please reproduce the error on
a virtualbox as described under 'REPORTING BUGS' in 'man parallel'.


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