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bracketed-paste-mode should default to "off"

From: Karl O. Pinc
Subject: bracketed-paste-mode should default to "off"
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 22:47:08 -0600


There are obviously matters of taste here and I don't
want to start a flame war, but IMO, bracketed-paste-mode
should be off by default.

My argument is that Unix should come with the training
wheels off, by default.  The same reason `cp -i` or `mv -i`
is not the default.  If people want "safety" they can
frob the per-user (or per-distro) settings.

"Simple" and "obvious" seems more useful than "safe".
"Standard is better than better."  Changing the standard
makes me cranky.

(FWIW, It took a couple of months of being annoyed at my pastes
not "working", after a major distro upgrade which installed
a new readline, to get around to digging into why pasteing
wasn't working.  And then a good hour to find the problem,
frob my systems' /etc/inputrc, write this bug report, etc.)

Absent having bracketed paste off by default, it might be nice
to have a /etc/inputrc.d/ directory that can have it's contents
included by /etc/inputrc.  That way there's not another
config file that's different from the distro default that
has to have changes merged on system upgrade.  (On the third
hand, yet more complication....)


Karl <kop@karlpinc.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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