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[Bug-tar] patches for acl, xattrs, and selinux support

From: Bdale Garbee
Subject: [Bug-tar] patches for acl, xattrs, and selinux support
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 08:38:13 -0700

These look like generally useful stuff.  However, I've been trying hard
to keep Debian's tar package as close to upstream bits as I can.  Are
these patches things you'd be interested in merging into a new upstream


--- Begin Message --- Subject: Patches for tar and tar-doc Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 15:43:44 +0100

I've created two patches, one for tar and one for tar-doc. Those
patches, based on RedHat's patches, add support for acl, selinux and
xattrs. It would be great if Debian would include those, by default.

Please let me know what you think about this idea.


Take care

Ante Karamatic <address@hidden>

Attachment: tar.debdiff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: tar-doc.debdiff
Description: Binary data

--- End Message ---

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