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Re: texinfo-6.0.91 pretest

From: Ken Brown
Subject: Re: texinfo-6.0.91 pretest
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2016 10:01:27 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.5.0

On 1/2/2016 8:53 AM, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
Cc: address@hidden, address@hidden
From: Ken Brown <address@hidden>
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2016 08:31:26 -0500

-XSParagraph_la_LDFLAGS=-no-undefined -avoid-version -module 
+XSParagraph_la_LDFLAGS=-no-undefined -avoid-version -module 
$(PERL_CONF_cccdlflags) -L$(PERL_INC) -lperl

I don't think it's correct to use literally "-L$(PERL_INC) -lperl",
although it might be in many installations.  The correct values should
obtained from "perl -V:<variable>", and I already provided the
variables that should be used here.  E.g., if the user has Active Perl
installed, like I do, the "-lperl" part should be replaced with
"-lperl520" (for Perl 5.20.X).

On Cygwin, "perl -V:libperl" returns "libperl='cygperl5_22.dll';", but
you wouldn't guess from this that you should use "-lperl" for linking
(i.e., the actual import library is libperl.dll.a).

That's an unfortunate choice by the Cygwin Perl maintainers, I'd say.
Why isn't the import library named libcygperl.dll.a or something

This is not specific to Perl. It is the standard way import libraries are named on Cygwin Typically, for a shared library foo, the DLL is cygfoo.dll (possibly with a version number), and the import library is libfoo.dll.a. The linker knows how to interpret "-lfoo" accordingly.


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