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[VCDImager Bugs/Devel] 0.7.11pre2 preview...

From: Herbert Valerio Riedel
Subject: [VCDImager Bugs/Devel] 0.7.11pre2 preview...
Date: 20 Oct 2001 13:37:02 +0200

well, I've put together another preview testrelease...

get it as usual from the hidden .testing dir...

leadout pregap

one important feature is the new "leadout pregap" option;
while fixing some subtile subheader EOF/EOR bug exposed when having a
rear margin (e.g. for VCDs), which caused to confuse some operating
systems, I also noticed that there seems to be some problem with a
read-ahead, which causes to read into the leadout area... 
btw, the "leadout pause" boolean-option is now deprecated, and will go
away in 0.7.12; it's aequivalent to setting the new "leadout pregap" to
the value of "150"; 

but let's return to the actual problem, which has shown up on win9x;
I've been told that having no "leadout pregap" (the default for that
option is to have none) causes win9x to fail copying the last
AVSEQxx.DAT/MPG file with some mysterious I/O error; 

I'd like to know from you, which is the minimum value to set that
pregap-value to, in order to eliminate this I/O error; I've been told
that it works with a value of '4'; but I'd like to know whether '1'
would be enough or '4' is not enough for all systems... maybe some
drives require a value of '15' or even more...

linux and bsdi cdrom support

well, for linux the direct cdrom support should have been just improved;
and for bsdi a new support has been added;

(in the future I'll switch to a more generic approach, as suggested by
arnds' mmc packet abstraction code, which may allow to spread support to
platforms where cdrdao works...  I want just to have the actual code
tested, so the 0.7.11 release works... no more no less)

generic image driver framework

as you may have already noticed, I started to implement some generic
image type/option commandline passing framework...

well, I haven't got time to document it yet; so here's some preliminary
information (you'll have to check yourself, what works already and what
does not...)

--image-type nrg  (NRG support is broken at the moment)
  --image-option nrg=FILENAME

--image-type cdrdao
  --image-option toc=FILENAME
  --image-option img_base=FILENAME_BASE
  --image-option sector=[2336|2352]
--image-type bincue
  --image-option bin=FILENAME
  --image-option cue=FILENAME
  --image-option sector=[2336|2352]

--image-type cdrom  (not used yet)
  --image-option device=DEVICE

Herbert Valerio Riedel       /    Phone: (EUROPE) +43-1-58801-18840
Email: address@hidden       /    Finger address@hidden for GnuPG Public Key
GnuPG Key Fingerprint: 7BB9 2D6C D485 CE64 4748  5F65 4981 E064 883F

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