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URL translation %20 ->  

From: Joachim Lindenberg
Subject: URL translation %20 ->  
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2022 13:17:59 +0200

I am running my webpages through the https://validator.w3.org/nu validation 
service and looking to get green results.
Now in fact my webpages are produced using an IIS internally, then replicated 
using wget to a host serving to the public using nginx. Now I detected that the 
IIS version validates properly, the nginx version fails validation as follows: 

Error: Bad value documents/BsiAuskunft/202203220858 Lindenberg-BSI Auskunft 
nach Artikel 15 DSGVO.eml for attribute href on element 
https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#the-a-element: Illegal character in 
path segment: space is not allowed.

In fact the reference reads 
I checked my sources and the reference is actually written as 
The translation is obviously done by wget. In case that matters, I am using 
“wget -N -r -np -nH -k -l 10 --ignore-case --reject "*.inc,*.master,*.config" 
--user=** --password=** --cut-dirs=1 https://*** .

I found 
 as the same problem, but it looks like it was never considered a bug or 
feature in wget.

Is this a known issue? Considered as a “might break sites” type of fix?
Best Regards,

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