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Re: [Chicken-hackers] Made a start with CHICKEN 5 proposal

From: Felix Winkelmann
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] Made a start with CHICKEN 5 proposal
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 22:08:53 +0200 (CEST)

>> Well, the problem are eggs that are not in our central repository.
> I think the versioning thing also affects the eggs in svn too.  For
> example, suppose right now you have egg foo at version 1.0.  When
> CHICKEN 5 is released, foo will be ported to CHICKEN 5.  What version
> will it be in CHICKEN 4 and 5?

But we already have branches in the egg repository, and we can take
care of that ourselves. But we should put to much burden on those that
provide eggs in their own repositories, by forcing them to maintain
multiple branches.

> for CHICKEN 4, and
> or
> for CHICKEN 5.  Of course, other variations are possible.
> It'd be just a matter of pointing to a CHICKEN 5-specific
> .release-info.

That might be possible, yes.


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