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Re: [PATCH] Restore read/source-info in support.scm and export it offici

From: Evan Hanson
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Restore read/source-info in support.scm and export it officially from (chicken syntax)
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2023 09:15:42 +1200

Hi there,

On 2023-06-30  9:11, Peter Bex wrote:
> Since these eggs are using it, that TODO above ##sys#read/source-info
> is settled - it's useful enough for those eggs, so let's just expose
> it publically and document it.

I wouldn't read too much into those eggs -- most of those are mine, and
they're mostly (all?) failing because read/source-info was used in
module-declarations, which is a dependency of the whole lot. So, many of
those failures only represent a single use of that procedure.

That's not to say we shouldn't still expose it -- probably we should? --
I just wanted to point this out so I'm not inflating the statistics. :)


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