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[PATCH] thread-safe handling of asynchronous events

From: felix . winkelmann
Subject: [PATCH] thread-safe handling of asynchronous events
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2023 15:28:54 +0200


Currently we have no thread-safe way of handling asynchronous events
like POSIX signals and finalization. In both situations, the signal
handler and finalization procedures are called in whatever thread
is currently executing, which is a source of potential deadlocks
in a multithreaded environment.

One approach would be to have a dedicated thread for these events,
but after studying existing APIs like Chez' "guardians" (for finalization)
and the Racket signal interface, a "pull" interface that lets the
user ask explicitly for such events appears to provide maximum control
and still can be integrated into a threaded environment with relative

Therefore I provide 4 patches that implement an internal "event-queue"
mechanism and revised finalization and signal API based on these queues.
The basic principle is to associate a handler procedure with a queue
of asynchronous events. Calling the handler retrieves events from the
queue, either non-blocking or blocking. These events are not associated
with a thread, but with a procedure, allowing the separation of the
points in time when the event is triggered and the moment it is handled.

The first patch provides the event-queue mechanism and cleans up the
scheduler a bit (hiding internal variables while also exposing ##sys#...
procedures to access them). This also defines hooks that a threading
API should override to allow suspension/resumption on events.

The second patch provides a new signal API: "make-signal-handler",
which creates a handler for one or more signals and "signal-ignore" and
"signal-default" (to ignore a signal or set the default disposition).
This is roughly modelled after the Racket API. The old "signal-handler"
and "set-signal-handler!" procedures have been deprecated.

The third patch provides "make-finalizer", inspired by Chez' guardians,
but slightly different to allow blocking/non-blocking tests for
finalizations. The old API is still available, as often finalization
performs only very basic operations independent of the currently
executing context. Finalization procedures can be composed, as a
finalizer itself becomes subject to finalization once all associated
objects have been collected. Building guardians on top of this
should be straightforward, but the latter does not (to my knowledge)
allow blocking a thread until a finalizer triggers so I chose not
to implement this interface.

The fourth patch extends srfi-18 to set the hooks defined in
the first patch. This patch uses some definitions from the
scheduler.scm changes but does not directly depend on them (the hooks
will never be invoked).

Note that the basic C/Scheme glue for finalizers and signals has not
been touched, these changes merely provide a different interface. The
scheduler cleanup is only superficial and mostly for exposing whether
threads are ready or waiting and to provide some syntactic consistency.

I tried my best to split these changes into meaningful patches, but
my relation to git is a troubled one, and the changes to NEWS are
likely to result in conflicts anyway, so expect some fiddling.


Attachment: 0001-add-internal-event-queue-mechanism-and-hooks-for.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: 0002-Provide-new-thread-safe-API-for-POSIX-signals-deprec.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: 0001-Added-thread-safe-finalization-method-make-finalizer.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: srfi-18.diff
Description: Text document

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