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#1848: cairo: quality of life improvements for matrix operations

From: Chicken Trac
Subject: #1848: cairo: quality of life improvements for matrix operations
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2025 18:34:45 -0000

#1848: cairo: quality of life improvements for matrix operations
            Reporter:  Vasilij       |       Type:  enhancement
  Schneidermann                      |
              Status:  new           |   Priority:  not urgent at all
           Milestone:  someday       |  Component:  extensions
             Version:  5.4.0         |   Keywords:
Estimated difficulty:  easy          |
 I've tried to manipulate a font matrix with cairo and failed. This seems
 to be due to that part of the interface being half-finished (text/font
 extents use records, matrices use f64vectors for some reason?), so I
 rewrote it to use records, exposed accessors and
 {{{cairo_get_font_matrix}}}. I've attached a small test program as well
 which exercises this feature set.

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