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Re: [Chicken-users] set-finalizer! and cons

From: Zbigniew
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] set-finalizer! and cons
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 16:35:55 -0600

I've thought about this some more, and I guess I don't fully
understand it after all.  Given a pending-finalizer buffer size of
XXX, using the -:fXXX option, simply having more than XXX live
finalizers forces a major GC every time a new finalizer is created. 
None of these finalizers are pending, so why does the pending buffer
size come into play?  Is this simply a pathological case which cannot
be fixed without increasing the pending buffer?  Are we constrained by
the total number of finalizers irrespective of how many are live or
pending invocation?

--- Example: setting -:f3 ---

#;1> (define abc '(1 2 3))
#;2> (begin (set-finalizer! abc (lambda (x) (print 'bye))) (void))
#;3> (begin (set-finalizer! abc (lambda (x) (print 'bye))) (void))
#;4> (begin (set-finalizer! abc (lambda (x) (print 'bye))) (void))
#;5> (begin (set-finalizer! abc (lambda (x) (print 'bye))) (void))
#;6> (begin (set-finalizer! abc (lambda (x) (print 'bye))) (void))
[debug] too many finalizers (4), forcing ...
#;7> (begin (set-finalizer! abc (lambda (x) (print 'bye))) (void))
[debug] too many finalizers (5), forcing ...
#;8> (begin (set-finalizer! abc (lambda (x) (print 'bye))) (void))
[debug] too many finalizers (6), forcing ...
#;11> (gc #t)
#;12> (define abc '())
#;13> (gc #t)
[debug] running 1 finalizers (6 live, 7 allocated) ...
[debug] running 1 finalizers (5 live, 7 allocated) ...
[debug] running 1 finalizers (0 live, 7 allocated) ...

On 1/20/06, felix winkelmann <address@hidden> wrote:
> On 1/18/06, Zbigniew <address@hidden> wrote:
> Ok. Finalizers work like this:
> There is a list of "live" finalizers, that is finalizers that exist
> for currently
> live data (internally there is also a list of "allocated" finalizers -
> the number
> of finalizer-records kept in an internal freelist, we reuse them when
> they get unused). When a major GC detects that a non-immediate
> finalized data object is not forwarded (copied into the second heap-space
> during GC), then it is scheduled for finalization and stored in the
> "pending-finalizers" buffer (##sys#pending-finalizers). On the next
> interrupt (usually after the major GC), this buffer is traversed and
> the finalizer procedure is called for every entry in this buffer.
> Now, this buffer has a fixed size, so we can only finalize as many
> GC'd objects as fit into the buffer.
> If you consider now a tight loop that allocates finalized objects, you
> can come into a situation where more finalizers are created than
> we can release/invoke (since they don't fit into the pending finalizers
> buffer). Thus storage consumption grows even if the actual data
> could be freed after GC - here we are not allowed because we
> still have to invoke the finalizers. What we do currently is to force
> GC if there are too many finalizers to free as many as possible.
> The current solution is to increase the size of the pending-finalizers
> buffer, done with the "-:fXXX" runtime option. You can also run your
> code with "-:d" to see some information about finalization, or use
> `(set-gc-report! ...)' to see much more information.
> A more elegant approach might be to make the pending-buffer
> dynamically resizable - well, it's on my every-growing todo list... ;-)
> cheers,
> felix

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