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Re: [Chicken-users] Darcs-head Chicken broken on Cygwin

From: Ian Oversby
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Darcs-head Chicken broken on Cygwin
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 09:00:05 +0000

felix winkelmann scripsit:

> What error message?

$ csi -R srfi-1

  ___| |    _)      |
 |     __ \  |  __| |  /  _ \ __ \
 |     | | | | (      <   __/ |   |
\____|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\\___|_|  _|

Version 2, Build 325 - windows-cygwin-x86 - [ dload ptables applyhook ]
(c)2000-2006 Felix L. Winkelmann
; loading library srfi-1 ...
Error: (load-library) unable to load library
"No such file or directory"

        Call history:

        <eval>          (load-library (quote srfi-1))   <--
> (try to add "-:d" when running csi)

$ csi -:d -R srfi-1
[debug] application startup...
[debug] heap resized to 500000 bytes
[debug] stack bottom is 0x22cc80.
[debug] entering toplevel toplevel...
[debug] stack resized to 131072 bytes
[debug] entering toplevel library_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel eval_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel extras_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel match_toplevel...

  ___| |    _)      |
 |     __ \  |  __| |  /  _ \ __ \
 |     | | | | (      <   __/ |   |
\____|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\\___|_|  _|

Version 2, Build 325 - windows-cygwin-x86 - [ dload ptables applyhook ]
(c)2000-2006 Felix L. Winkelmann
; loading library srfi-1 ...
Error: (load-library) unable to load library
"No such file or directory"

        Call history:

        <eval>          (load-library (quote srfi-1))   <--

> What does "dumpbin /dependents path-to-csi" print?

$ dumpbin /dependents /usr/local/bin/csi
-bash: dumpbin: command not found

> Output of "(dynamic-load-libraries)"?

#;1> (dynamic-load-libraries)

I had a similar problem with my MinGW and MSYS build which has now been resolved. It turns out there were two problems. The first was that it was looking for the wrong library (libchicken-0.dll instead of libchicken.dll) and that has been fixed. The second was that it looks like chicken has some difficulties with spaces in filenames and as the default installation directory is c:\Program Files it didn't work. Changing the installation directory to c:\chicken-new 'fixed' this problem too.

On top of that, after the installation I manually copied the files from c:\chicken-new\bin to c:\chicken-new and then csc and chicken-setup started working correctly. I hope this helps.



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