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Re: [Chicken-users] Adding (system->string) somewhere

From: Tobia
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Adding (system->string) somewhere
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 13:26:23 +0100

Elf wrote:
how about

(define (system->string . args)
(string-chomp (with-input-from-pipe (string-join args " ") read- all)))

IMHO, if this system->string is going to be of any use, it should quote its arguments against any possible interpretation by the shell. Fortunately there is a simple way which supposedly works with every flavour of UNIX shell: replace every ' with '\'' and enclose each argument in '...'

(define (system+ . args)
  (define (shell-quote arg)
    (conc "'"
          (string-substitute "'" "'\\''" arg)
  (with-input-from-pipe (string-join (map shell-quote args)
                                     " ")

#;8> (system+ "ls" "/Applications/iWork '08")
("" "" "")

The read-lines and read-all versions are both useful, as are custom loops that parse the output line-by-line or character-by-character, so maybe we should make a sort of with-input-from-system that only does the quoting?


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