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Re: [Chicken-users] Help with the mysql egg

From: Kon Lovett
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Help with the mysql egg
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 12:19:34 -0800

On Jan 22, 2008, at 6:42 AM, Jean-Philippe Theberge wrote:


I am having some trouble with the mysql egg mostly die to my misunderstanding of c-pointers

With the egg you get data either by index or by name. What I would like is more something like this example from the mysql-api documentation

unsigned int num_fields;

unsigned int i;
MYSQL_FIELD *fields;

num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);
fields = mysql_fetch_fields(result);
for(i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)
  printf("Field %u is %s\n", i, fields[i].name);

The egg provide the foreign-mysql-fetch-fields. it return a #<pointer> object

How can I extract the name from this object in scheme? I want to do what "fields[i].name" do in the example above?

I have never used the mysql egg so keep that in mind.

(define conn (mysql-connect ...))

;; (mysql-fetch-field-list DB) -> LIST | BOOLEAN
;; Returns a list of field names for the current connection result, or
;; #f when no result.
(define mysql-fetch-field-list
  (let ([get-field-name
(foreign-lambda* c-string ([c-pointer fields] [unsigned- integer idx])
           "return (((MYSQL_FIELD *)fields)[idx].name);")])
    (lambda (conn)
      (and-let* ([res (mysql-connection-result conn)])
        (let ([fields (foreign-mysql-fetch-fields res)])
(let loop ([count (foreign-mysql-num-fields res)] [names '()])
            (if (zero? count)
                (let ([nxtcnt (sub1 count)])
(loop nxtcnt (cons (get-field-name fields nxtcnt) names)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )



BuddyPilots <>
*Jean-Philippe Théberge*
*Programmeur Architecte*
Tel: (514) 353-2307

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Best Wishes,

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