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Re: [Chicken-users] Compiling eggs to .c

From: Christian Kellermann
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Compiling eggs to .c
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 14:37:47 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.24 (2015-08-30)

* Norman Gray <address@hidden> [161025 12:28]:
> Greetings.
> I'm (still) trying to assemble a .c version of a simple but non-trivial
> Chicken program, for subsequent bundling and distribution.  I'm having
> difficulties.
> I've managed to assemble a set of dependencies for the various eggs
> required.  The first half-dozen of these download and build successfully,
> but I can't work out how to built the .c version of an egg.
> For some extensions, I can do:
>     % /Data/tools/chicken-4.11.0/bin/chicken-install -r uri-match
> >uri-match.log
>     % m=uri-match; "/Data/tools/chicken-4.11.0/bin/csc" -embedded -t
> -optimize-level 3 -emit-all-import-libraries -unit $m -include-path $m
> -output-file uri-match.c $m/$m.scm
> But for slightly more complicated .setup files (and uri-match.setup is an
> example, with its test of (chicken-version)), this doesn't work, because csc
> doesn't read the .setup file, so the above ends up calling csc in the wrong
> way.
> It looks like
>     % chicken-install -n uri-match
> should work, because that retains the intermediate files -- including the .c
> files -- in the temporary (download) directory.  But (a) the only way I can
> see of finding what that temporary directory is, is by scanning the output
> chatter from chicken-install, which obviously isn't robust in a Makefile;
> and (b) scavenging the two .c files from this directory (namely
> uri-match{,.import}.c) seems a slightly ad-hoc/hacky way of obtaining them,
> which suggests I'm Doing It Wrong.
> I can't see any way of specifying a temporary directory in
> chicken-install.scm.
> The Deployment page refers to 'Using the compiler' for guidance on this
> route, but that page doesn't appear to cover this case.
> What am I missing?

The -k option should keep intermediate files, you can pass this with
CSC_OPTIONS. For my projects I have manually unrolled the compilation
stuff into a shell script. Yes it is tedious and sucks but it
works. Also for CHICKEN 5 the new build system will make things



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