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[Chicken-users] noob getting error on first part of bind example

From: kevinbanjo
Subject: [Chicken-users] noob getting error on first part of bind example
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 23:14:16 -0800

Hi everyone:

I'm trying the first example on the bind wiki page
[] and I'm getting this:

(require-extension bind)

(bind "double sin(double);")

Compiling /home/fish/l/src/main.scm ...

Error: (#f) "during expansion of (bind ...) - unbound variable":
Call history:
<eval>   (switch-module module)
<eval>   (call-with-values thunk (lambda v (set! result v)))
<eval>   (load found-file)
<syntax> (require-extension bind)
<syntax> (##core#require-extension (bind) #t)
<syntax> (##core#begin (##core#begin (##core#begin (##sys#require
(quote bind))) (import bind)) (##core#undefined))
<syntax> (##core#begin (##core#begin (##sys#require (quote bind)))
(import bind))
<syntax> (##core#begin (##sys#require (quote bind)))
<syntax> (##sys#require (quote bind))
<syntax> (quote bind)
<syntax> (##core#quote bind)
<syntax> (import bind)
<syntax> (##core#undefined)
<syntax> (##core#undefined)
<eval>   (##sys#require (quote bind))
<syntax> (bind "double sin(double);")


I get a similar error when I try and interpret it.

I'm on cygwin with chicken 4.10.0

I chicken-installed all the dependencies on the top of that wiki page




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