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[Circus-cvs] Be delighted with This costs much less than a luxury car -

From: Billie
Subject: [Circus-cvs] Be delighted with This costs much less than a luxury car - but makes you a lot more confident and attractive.
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 02:34:12 +0100

Hottest new offer
 Act while others wait! Increase your confidence to enormous levels! You will 
be counting days before your rod will be almost reaching your knees.

 Stop taking that size-does-not-matter crap from girls! They just don't want to 
hurt you! Your confidence will jump through the roof - and women go crazy about 
guys with big self-esteem! All you need is here: 

This is what you always needed to lead a happier, more fulfilling life.

 Early to bed and early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy and wise A little 
of what you fancy does you good.  A proverb never lies, it is only its meaning 
which deceives. If oil ah float watah deh ah battam.      

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